
Welcome to the July edition of In Your Vicinity 

July 24

Finally, as I write we are enjoying some dry and warm weather, it certainly has been a long time coming this year, and its not uncommon to hear some have had their central heating and fires lit during the month of June. Gardens and lawns are looking lush and colourful, but businesses relying on outdoor activities or beer gardens being full have suffered.

This month there is a fantastic sporting selection, we see Wimbledon taking place with the Final on the 14th, the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on Sunday July 7th, The Open at Royal Troon on July 18-21, and Euros Final in Germany takes place on Sunday 14, The Tour De France finishes on July 21, England play West Indies at test match cricket and the Olympics in Paris start on July 26th.

School holidays begin this month and parents have the task of keeping children entertained and looked after for the six weeks or so, and juggling having to sort time off from work, or sometimes even the stress of arranging childcare.

Prices are very competitive and can be from as little as just £1 per day! Contact ‘IN YOUR VICINITY’- 01933 650588 to get your BUSINESS noticed and included in the next edition. With a total distribution of over 30,000 – don’t miss out on the fantastic advertising rates currently available; for nearly 20 years this publication has been in production and helped many businesses with their sales and marketing – go on – give it a go!

You can call us on 01933 650588 or Email: info@inyourvicinity.co.uk or visit us at www.inyourvicinity.co.uk